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Research Mission

"Develop integrated approaches to reduce risk and promote future sustainable and resilient societies"

The growing interest in the resilience analysis of physical and engineering systems has led to the increasing use of various probabilistic models for a wide range of problems in science and engineering. Rapidly increasing computational capabilities have pushed the boundaries of state-of-the-art reliability, risk, and resilience analysis. In this direction, my research develops novel physics-based probabilistic models that integrate computationally convenient representations of the governing physical laws like differential equations, statistical techniques, and experimental or field data of different fidelity. These contributions have advanced state-of-the-art reliability, risk, and resilience analysis and have been implemented to quantify the resilience of large-scale complex systems.​


My research interests center around reliability, risk, and resilience analysis of structures and infrastructure; informed decision-making under uncertainty; performance assessment of complex spatially-distributed systems; modeling of natural hazards and societal impact; optimal strategies for natural hazard mitigation and disaster recovery.

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Chadwick Building, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT J

University College London

© 2022 by Fabrizio Nocera. All rights reserved.

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